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TP4000ZC and DT4000ZC Data Logger Keys

  • Simple program to read a TP4000ZC or DT4000ZC multimeter, display values in extra large print on the computer screen, speak the data using JAWS screen reader software, and save data to a file.
  • This will only speak the data if you have purchased JAWS from Freedom Scientific (www.freedomscientific.com) and have it installed and working on your computer. It has been tested with JAWS versions 10 and 16. It should work with anything between those and with any future releases as well.
  • Can be completely operated with keystroke commands.
  • The program can be used as a starting point to customize a data logging program to your specific needs.
  • Reads and saves data on all meter settings.
  • Data saved as comma-separated-value output file.
  • Tested with Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista SP1, and Windows 7 SP1. Requires Microsoft .NET Framework 4 (will download automatically if not present)
  • Installation instructions and manual can be previewed at this link.
  • Cost: $10.00. Click here to view it in our store.
  • DT4000ZC or TP4000ZC multimeters and USB-to-RS 232 converters are usually available on Amazon and e-bay. The 4000ZC meters come with a very basic data acquisition program from the manufacturer that cannot be customized.

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