Google Chrome Users PLEASE NOTE: if you purchase and download this product, Chrome may claim that it is Malware and harmful to your computer. Please be assured that this is an issue with Chrome and zipped executables. The servers for this store and our development computers are up to date on anti-virus software. This product is safe for your computer.
TP4000ZC Data Logger Keys captures data from a TP4000ZC or DT4000ZC multimeter, prints it to the computer screen in extra large font, speaks the data using JAWS screen reader software (if installed) and saves the data to a csv file. The software can capture data at speeds up to 1 data point every 0.4 seconds. The software is fully controllable using keystroke commands. JAWS screen reader is available from Freedom Scientific ( The software has been tested with JAWS versions 10 and 16 and should work with anything above version 10. It has been tested on Windows XP and Windows 7 but should work with Vista and Windows 8.